Monday, January 26, 2009

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by Jude McConkey
Each blogger has to reveal 7 random facts about his or herself. People who are tagged have to post the rules. At the end, I have to choose 7 people to tag.I then need to leave a comment for each person who has been tagged, telling them that they are "it". The "taggee" needs to then leave a comment for the person who tagged them to read your list. Here are some random facts about me:
1. I am the mother of two-Kate 21 and Sam 20.
2. I have a Bachelor of Fine Art from Miami University of Ohio. My concentration was in fabric design and fibers.
3. My husband is the art gallery director of Purdue University Galleries.
4. I currently work as an administrative assistant for a major toy company.
5. I have become addicted to Etsy and blogging over the past 6 months.
6. My secret desire is to quit my day job and sew all day long. Well, maybe not so secret to those who know me.
7. My favorite trip of all was my cruise to Italy with my sister a year ago October.

Miss Gina Designs
Indigo Blue
Studio Cherie
Karen Meyers
Jennifer Ladd

Okay. That's seven.


LB Accessories said...

Thanks so much for sharing your 7 things and for commenting on mine!

Indigo Blue said...

Many thanks for including me in this tag. I shall go and have a think about it.



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