Who says Christmas decorations have to be expensive? I was inspired by some book page wreaths I found online while browsing my favorite blogs. Here is my take on these pretty decorations.
Materials Needed:
Glue Gun and glue sticks
Craft glue stick
Old paperback book
Rick-Rack trim
Watercolors and brush
Black thin line marker
Sturdy cardboard

1. Cut 2 circles out of cardboard-2" diameter and 3 1/2" diameter
2. Using glue stick cover each circle with a single page of text folding edges to back of cardboard
3. Tear pages carefully away from book binding and roll into a cone shape. Secure the corner with glue stick.
4. Using hot glue gun start glueing the cones to the back (unfinished) side of the larger cardboard circle with the points meeting in the center.
5. Continue glueing cones to cardboard until you have your first layer of cones.
6. Trim 1" off of the point side of your cones for the next layer.
7. Start glueing a second layer of cones to the top of the first layer placing them approximately 1" from the outside edge of the first layer.
8. Cover the smaller circle of cardboard with a page of text folding edges to the back and glueing them in place.
9. Draw a holiday motif on top of the text and color it in with your watercolors.
10. Glue a strand of rick-rack around the edge of the smaller cardboard circle.
11. Glue the small circle in the center of the wreath to cover up the points of the cones.
12. Using a 12" length of rick-rack, glue a loop to the back of the wreath for hanging.